What are the common disease of cannabis? 420 Guide for Beginners

Generally, losses in agricultural production are attributed to insect and parasite pests that attack crops. This is logical, as it usually is, but there is another factor that causes numerous losses in agriculture and yet it is not as well-known as the previous one; we are referring to what are known as plant diseases.

Diseases Caused by Fungi and Oomycetes
Fungi are the most common pathogens that infect many plant species. They produce mycelium (white filaments) and/or spores, and some produce special structures for winter survival and dissemination. Plants infected by fungal pathogens may exhibit symptoms of leaf spots, mildew, blight (more extensive browning or sudden death), wilt, canker or root rot, all of which can turn lethal. Oomycetes are fungus-like organisms such as Phytophthora and Pythium that commonly cause various diseases on plants, including on Cannabis sativa.

Root Rot (Pythium)
Identifying root rot can be done in a number of ways. Hydroponic systems grant visible access to the plants’ roots, so check for roots that are brown in color, slimy, and lack the vigor you see in healthy roots. If you do not have access to the roots, you will notice the infected plants drinking less water, growing at a slower pace, and a myriad of nutrient deficiencies. Root rot is nearly impossible to fix and results in either nutrient-deficient, stunted plants, or having to discard the plants entirely.

Spider mites
Spider mites are one of the most “cringe-worthy” cannabis diseases you may come across. Not only can these mites give your plants a Halloween-ready appearance, but they are also highly effective at destroying crops and can be extremely hard to get rid of.

Early signs on infestation are bite marks on the leaves, which appear as tiny speckles on surface (aka. stippling). Upon close inspection, tiny mites may be seen residing on the underside of the leaf, but unfortunately, most mites go unnoticed. Spider mites are extremely small, and with their eggs being even smaller, infestations often remain hidden until a large amount of damage has been done. Leaves eventually turn yellow, and shortly thereafter, the webs start to appear.

Abiotic diseases
Diseases from abiotic (non-living) causes often arise suddenly.  They usually resemble diseases caused by living organisms.   Some abiotic diseases have unknown causes, such as "grandine" of hemp.   Abiotic problems also predispose plants to other diseases. 
The most common abiotic diseases are nutrient deficiencies. Generally, deficiencies of mobile nutrients (N, P, K, Mg, B, Mb) begin in large leaves at the bottom of plants.  Shortages of less mobile nutrients (Mn, Zn, Ca, S, Fe, Cu) usually begin in young leaves near the top.

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