How much does it cost to leave the lights on all day?

The first thing I need to know is some information on the light fixtures, specifically the wattage of the bulbs. If the total wattage is 160 (four bulbs x 40 watts). Since we are charged using kilowatts, divide 160 by 1,000 and multiple by the rate, which for me would be $0.122109/kWhr = $0.0195374. The result is the cost to run the lights for one hour. Multiply $0.0195374 by the number of hours you plan to run the lights (14 hours). The cost to run the lights per day is $0.2735236 or $8.20 per month.

A grow light for weed is an artificial light source that you can use indoors to help mimic the natural spectrum of the sun that influences plant growth and production. They are easy to use, plug into your electrical outlets like any other light you may have in your house, and provides varying degrees of brightness to whatever it is you are attempting to grow.

The Grow lights are proven magical in all type of indoor gardens and all indoor gardeners. The best led grow lights can grow healthy plants that could give you huge quantity and good quality of fruits and flower. That is why it becomes popular in recent times. After the invention of lights, it's now taking place all part of our life. From, home to streetlights and now in our garden, lights showing magic in all sector of our modern life. The LED Grow lights are not working on growing vegetables in your house; it's now growing plants in space too.

Spider Farmer SF Series Quantum Board

Spider Farmer SF 4000

Spider Farmer is a Chinese brand, which generally means terrible quality control and customer service. But Spider Farmer is actually pretty good at both of those and they have service centers in the US and Europe. And until recently, HLG was not great with their service. That makes the difference between the two much smaller than you usually see between the US brand and its Chinese knock-off.

I would still go with HLG, but only just barely. They introduced the quantum board lights and they are located in the US. But if you want to save a bit of money, Spider Farmer is right there.

Black Dog LED PhytoMax-2 200

With these powerful LED grow lights for weed, you get a broad energy spectrum and high light intensity without hot spots. That way it offers great coverage to nourish flowers and lower leaves.

Best of all, it has minimal electrical requirements so that your bills won’t show noticeable changes. It’s a great way to save money and achieve incredible grow results.

Hosting 84 high-output, top-bin, 5-watt LED’s from manufacturers like Cree and Osram, this LED light puts out 420 watts while only drawing 210 watts. The Black Dog can replace any 400-watt HID or HPS and has a dedicated full spectrum of light.


ECO FARM 400W/600W/800W COB LED Grow Light

This cheap full spectrum LED grow light gives out both Ultraviolet (UV) and Infrared (IR) lights, which helps you plants in vegetation and blooming states.

The company provides you with safety assurance along with quality and durability. To prove that, they have obtained a certification from UL standard for their LED grow light. The fans on this light are also UL standard approved.
